
ctDNA as an Objective Marker for Postoperative Residual Disease in Primary Advanced High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer
Background/Objectives: The surgeon’s subjective intraoperative evaluation is the standard of care to assess postoperative residual …
Genomic Characteristics Related to Histology-based Immune Features in Breast Cancer
The immune cell component of the tumor microenvironment is an important modulator of tumor progression. In patients with breast cancer, …
The fifth international hackathon for developing computational cloud-based tools and resources for pan-structural variation and genomics
The goal of the Fifth Annual Baylor College of Medicine & DNAnexus Structural Variation Hackathon was to push forward …
The fifth international hackathon for developing computational cloud-based tools and resources for pan-structural variation and genomics
Monitoring ctDNA dynamics in early breast cancer using a novel ultra-sensitive tumor-informed structural variant approach combining whole-genome sequencing and multiplex dPCR
Persistent circulating cell-free tumor DNA (ctDNA) detection during neoadjuvant treatment of early-breast cancer (EBC) …
Monitoring ctDNA dynamics in early breast cancer using a novel ultra-sensitive tumor-informed structural variant approach combining whole-genome sequencing and multiplex dPCR
Tumor-informed ctDNA as an objective marker for postoperative residual disease in epithelial ovarian cancer
The most important predictor of prognosis in patients with high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) is complete tumor …
Tumor-informed ctDNA as an objective marker for postoperative residual disease in epithelial ovarian cancer
Proteomic profiling reveals that ESR1 mutations enhance cyclin-dependent kinase signaling
Three quarters of all breast cancers express the estrogen receptor (ER, ESR1 gene), which promotes tumor growth and constitutes a …
Proteomic profiling reveals that ESR1 mutations enhance cyclin-dependent kinase signaling
805P Tumor-informed ctDNA detection as a predictive marker for postoperative residual disease in epithelial ovarian cancer: A feasibility study
Complete tumor resection is the most relevant prognostic factor for overall survival in high grade serous ovarian cancer …
805P Tumor-informed ctDNA detection as a predictive marker for postoperative residual disease in epithelial ovarian cancer: A feasibility study
#898 Tumor-informed ctDNA detection as a marker for postoperative residual disease in epithelial ovarian cancer – results of a feasibility study
Complete tumor resection is the most relevant prognostic factor for overall survival in high grade serous …
#898 Tumor-informed ctDNA detection as a marker for postoperative residual disease in epithelial ovarian cancer – results of a feasibility study