
Defining the mutational landscape of 3,217 primary breast cancer transcriptomes through large-scale RNA-seq within the Sweden Cancerome Analysis Network: Breast Project (SCAN-B; NCT03430492)
Breast cancer is a disease of genomic alterations, of which the complete panorama of somatic mutations and how these relate …
Defining the mutational landscape of 3,217 primary breast cancer transcriptomes through large-scale RNA-seq within the Sweden Cancerome Analysis Network: Breast Project (SCAN-B; NCT03430492)
Plasma circulating tumor DNA as a genomic biomarker for ovarian cancer
Ovarian cancer (OC) remains the most lethal disease among gynecological malignancies as most patients are diagnosed in an …
Bioconda: sustainable and comprehensive software distribution for the life sciences
We present Bioconda (, a distribution of bioinformatics software for the lightweight, multiplatform and …
Bioconda: sustainable and comprehensive software distribution for the life sciences
Clinical Value of RNA Sequencing-Based Classifiers for Prediction of the Five Conventional Breast Cancer Biomarkers: A Report From the Population-Based Multicenter Sweden Cancerome Analysis Network–Breast Initiative
In early breast cancer (BC), five conventional biomarkers—estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PgR), human epidermal …
Clinical Value of RNA Sequencing-Based Classifiers for Prediction of the Five Conventional Breast Cancer Biomarkers: A Report From the Population-Based Multicenter Sweden Cancerome Analysis Network–Breast Initiative
Abstract P4-09-03: On the development and clinical value of RNA-sequencing-based classifiers for prediction of the five conventional breast cancer biomarkers: A report from the population-based multicenter SCAN-B study
In early breast cancer, five histopathological biomarkers are part of current clinical routines and used for determining …
Abstract P4-09-03: On the development and clinical value of RNA-sequencing-based classifiers for prediction of the five conventional breast cancer biomarkers: A report from the population-based multicenter SCAN-B study
Remarkable similarities of chromosomal rearrangements between primary human breast cancers and matched distant metastases as revealed by whole-genome sequencing
To better understand and characterize chromosomal structural variation during breast cancer progression, we enumerated chromosomal …
Remarkable similarities of chromosomal rearrangements between primary human breast cancers and matched distant metastases as revealed by whole-genome sequencing
Abstract 4805: Whole genome sequencing of primary breast cancers and matched distant metastases
Metastatic disease is the main cause of death for breast cancer patients, but it is still unclear whether primary tumor characteristics …
Abstract 4805: Whole genome sequencing of primary breast cancers and matched distant metastases